To reconcile is to re-unite, to bring back to harmony, to heal. The Christian perspective seeks reconciliation with God and with one another.
Reconciliation is also known as “Confession" or "Penance”. Because of human weakness the Lord instituted a special sacrament of penance for the pardon of sins committed after baptism and the Church has faithfully celebrated the sacrament throughout the centuries in varying ways, but retaining its essential elements. Adequate catechesis and preparation must precede this sacrament for the first time. This sacrament is the normative way by which serious sins (also know as 'grave' or 'mortal' sins) are forgiven.
A follower of Christ who has sinned, but who has been moved by the Holy Spirit to come to the Sacrament of Penance should above all be converted to God with his whole heart. This inner conversion of heart embraces sorrow for sin and the intent to lead a new life. It is expressed through confession made to the Church, due satisfaction and amendment of life. God grants pardon for sin through the Church, which works by the ministry of priests.
The Three Rites of Reconciliation
First Rite – for the Reconciliation of Individual Penitents.
Second Rite – for Reconciliation of Several Penitents with Individual Confession and Absolution.
Third Rite – for Reconciliation with General Confession and Absolution (only permissible in exceptional circumstances).
Reconciliation Program at Lutwyche Parish The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available to children in Year 2 (or higher) who have been baptised. Children wishing to be enrolled in the program will need to attend a Registration or Orientation Evening.
Following registration the child and parent must attend preparation classes. These are usually held in the Parish Centre on weekday evenings.
Reconciliation is available on Saturdays at Holy Cross Church from 9.30am -10am