Pope Francis has been constantly calling us to be a more missionary Church, to renew our faith, to become better stewards of what we have and to care generously for others. Stewardship is not a program or project. It is a way of life. It is about taking care of and giving back to God through his church, the blessings he has given to each one of us. You will no doubt be aware of the challenges facing our Parish: One being the repair and restoration of our church and hall buildings.
We very much appreciate your continued financial assistance and donations to the Parish are most warmly welcomed.
There are a number of options available:
Contribute via the Parish Giving App,
Place your offerings in the collection plates during Mass
Contribute on a regular basis via Direct Debit or Planned Giving Envelopes,
Make a Donation directly into the parish bank account.
For further details about the various options, please see below. If you require any assistance working out what is best for you, please telephone the parish office.
GIVING VIA THE APP The Archdiocese has developed a Parish Giving App. It is available here parishgiving.brisbanecatholic.org.au. You will need to create an account the first time you log in. The App is also available in both the Apple App Store and Android Google Play. Please click on one of the buttons below.
REGULAR DIRECT DEBIT If you would like to give by direct debit, click here to print the form, complete, sign, and post it to the Parish Office . Please contact the Parish Office for more information.
DIRECT PAYMENT INTO THE PARISH BANK ACCOUNT You are welcome to donate at any time directly into the parish bank account, using the following information. Please Note: These Bank details are only for Online Deposits/Transfers.