Holy Communion or Eucharist. Eucharist comes from the Greek word, “Eucharistia” which means “thanksgiving.” The Eucharist is “The Great Thanksgiving” in which we meet Jesus Christ who is truly present in the Eucharist, under the appearance of bread and wine.
First Holy Communion First Communion is considered one of the holiest and most important occasions in a Catholic’s life. It means that person has received the Sacrament of the Eucharist, the body and blood of Jesus Christ - for the first time.
First Holy Communion Program The Sacrament of Eucharist (referred to as “First Holy Communion” when received for the first time) is available to Catholic children in Year 4 or higher. Children wishing to register should attend the annual Registration Evening with at least one Catholic parent/Caregiver.
Following registration, children need to attend preparation classes with their parent. These are usually held in the Parish Centre on weekday evenings.
More information can be found below:
Sacramental Program 2024 First Holy Communion
As defined by the Brisbane Archdiocese, the Sacramental Program is a three-year program, and each child may usually prepare and receive one sacrament per year.
First Holy Communion is the sacrament that completes the process of initiation, and is when one can fully participate in the Eucharist for the first time. This sacrament is celebrated when children are in Grade 4 (or above) and only after the child has been confirmed.
Children participating in First Holy Communion are required to attend an Enrolment Mass, the Workshops, Reconciliation and then participate in First Holy Communion on a specific mass within the community. Children are also expected to attend weekly Mass during the preparation period.
Sponsors are more than welcome to attend the First Holy Communion Mass, but do not have an ‘official’ role during the mass.
Children are asked to wear their ‘Sunday Best’ for their First Holy Communion. The traditional colour for First Communion is white, although this is not compulsory.
Key dates for First Holy Communion in 2024:
Information Evening for Parents/Caregivers(includes distribution of Enrolment Applications) Tuesday 27 August, 6pm, Holy Cross Church, Wooloowin Note: Enrolment Application must be submitted to Parish office by Friday 6 September (Return of completed Application & $50.00 payment)
Enrolment Mass Attend a mass on the weekend of Sept 7/8 or Sept 14/15 (During mass, the priest will distribute candidate’s workbooks – to be worked on leading into the 2 workshops)
First Communion Mass Attend a mass on Saturday 26 October or Sunday 27 October Saturday: 5pm Holy Cross, Wooloowin Sunday: 8am St Anne’s, Kalinga 10am Holy Cross, Wooloowin 5pm Holy Rosary, Windsor
For more information about First Communion: http://flameoffaith.org.au/eucharist/ We are looking forward to spending time with you, your children, and families as we celebrate First Holy Communion in our parish in 2024. As always, if you have any questions, please contact the parish office on 07 3357 5793 or [email protected]