The Sacrament of Anointing of the sick, formerly called “Extreme Unction” or 'Last Rites", is administered to bring spiritual and even physical strength during an illness, especially near the time of death. It is most likely the last sacrament one will receive. Like all the sacraments, holy anointing was instituted by Jesus Christ during his earthly ministry.
The anointing of the sick conveys several graces and imparts gifts of strengthening in the Holy Spirit against anxiety, discouragement, and temptation, and conveys peace and fortitude (CCC 1520). These graces flow from the atoning death of Jesus Christ, for “this was to fulfil what was spoken by the prophet Isaiah, ‘He took our infirmities and bore our diseases'” (Matt. 8:17).
What Are The Effects Of The Sacrament? “The special grace of the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick has as its effects: the uniting of the sick person to the passion of Christ, for his own good and that of the whole Church; the strengthening, peace, and courage to endure in a Christian manner the sufferings of illness or old age; the forgiveness of sins, if the sick person was not able to obtain it through the sacrament of penance; the restoration of health, if it is conducive to the salvation of his soul; the preparation for passing over to eternal life” (CCC 1532).
Anointing of the Sick at Lutwyche Parish Anointing of the Sick is a source of comfort and strength for the sick rather than the final act of the church for the dying. The sacrament is for those whose health is seriously impaired by sickness or old age. It is a source of healing for the sick rather than the final act of the church for the dying.
The Sacrament enables the sick or aged person to be anointed with the oil of the sick, to experience the healing and strength of Jesus Christ and to be supported by a praying community. The sacrament may be celebrated during Mass, or at a hospital or nursing home, or in the person’s home. It is a celebration of the church where members of the church offer those who are sick the support of faith and prayer.
We celebrate this sacrament during the 9am Mass every first Friday of the month.
Parishioners who are ill, or who have a family member or relative in need of this sacrament, are welcome to contact the parish office. Our priest is happy to visit the sick person in their home, in hospital or in aged care. Catholics should not wait until someone is dying before asking for this sacrament.